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Beyond the Artroom

On this page view some of Jamie's contributions to school life, extra curricular activities and navigate to links to his other websites


An online Arts magazine which Jamie began in 2016, in line with Alcanta International College's addition of Drama as a new subject to the curriculum



In 2014 Jamie established a blog with which he could communicate with his IB Visual Arts Diploma students, designed to be a noticeboard cum reference library to encourage student's online research into Art, AIC IB Visual Arts has been a way for Jamie to direct articles, photos, videos to specific classes and students, yet it has received a wider following  as it has evolved to the present day where it is now called: Make Art Not Excuses.


Since 2005 Jamie has added slide shows and videos to his Youtube channel (also named "Teacher Jamie"), which relate to his role as an International Award For Young People Coordinator, his teaching practice and his pastoral involvement as a Form Tutor or Mentor Group Leader in a variety of international schools.




Jamie has experience with both hosting and organising Arts Festivals, as well as participating in them as a co-organiser, workshop leader and / or photographer / videographer. Collaboration, coordination and cooperation with other schools, departments, colleagues, students and parents has been a feature of this. In the link above to Jamie's Youtube channel you can access videos from some of the following Arts Festivals and Workshops designed for participation by Year 6 to Year 10:

Jamie has collaborated for a number of years with the Art department  staff in the British School of Nanjing to organise a series of inter school Arts Festivals.The Enlightenment Arts Festival was a joint event with The British School of Guangzhou and The British School of Nanjing during April 2013. Jamie ran the photography workshop in this Enlightenment Period - themed Arts Festival hosted in Nanjing. He also took all of the photographs and produced some video of the live events. Below is a summary of the workshops:



Another inter-school (The British School of Guangzhou and The British School of Nanjing) Arts Festival, April 2012. Jamie organised and hosted this at The British School of Guangzhou. There were eight workshops on offer with a Latin American theme. The whole event was sponsored by the Mexican Consulate in Guangzhou and a touring exhibition of Mexican Contemporary Art  was hosted within the school. Jamie ran the Mural Street Art workshop and collaborated with the Photography workshop in addition to compiling photographs and video of the event. Jamie was responsible for sourcing experts from the community to run workshops, organising host families and accommodation for visiting staff and students from Nanjing and running specifically themed Art projects in the lead-up to the festival.


A further inter-school collaboration (The British School of Guangzhou and The British School of Nanjing) involving Jamie taking a party of British School of Guangzhou students to Nanjing for the Street Culture themed Arts Festival: 'Jammin' in Jiangning' in April 2011. Worshops included: Hip-Hop Dance, DJ-ing, Spray Grafitti Art and Graphic Design. Jamie was responsible for assisting with the Grafitti Art and Graphic Design as well as covering the whole event for photographs and video and the creation of  a souvenir booklet. This event formed the basis of a continuing collaboration with the Art department at The British School of Nanjing, enabling it to become an annual event.


The British International School, Vietnam End of Year Arts Festival 2007- 2009. As second in the department Jamie was involved in the organising of these annual one-day school house events. Below is a slideshow presentation of a particularly memorable year's 'Artsfest':

Sometimes in the school year there is cause to take students and their Art out into the community, usually for some charitable cause, for fundraising or perhaps to commemorate something specific. The gallery below showcases some highlights of such occassions from Jamie's career as an international teacher.


In all schools that Jamie has taught in he has had responsiblity (as a Form Tutor or a Mentor Group Leader) for preparing students for assembly presentations, as well as implementing a Personal Social Health Education Programme (PSHE). He has also conducted a programme of extra curricular activities (or CAS activities as they are known in his current school).

ASSEMBLIES Click on the links below to view videos made by members of Jamie's Mentor Group for Alcanta International College, Guangzhou Assemblies in the period 2013- 2015:



Jamie enjoys sharing his own interests when it comes to providing extra curricular activities. (His role as a Leader with The international Award For Young People is featured further below this ; as is his work with photography with students). A summary follows of the kind of extra curricular or CAS activies which Jamie has either run or supervised in schools:


Jamie has experience with leading or supervising residential trips (within the country of residence and abroad), as well as being an International Award For Young People Coordinator in two international schools (The British International School , Vietnam and The British School of Guangzhou). In addition to taking on this leadership role and extra curricular commitment , Jamie was responsible for establishing the IAYP in both of these schools and was later able to see it grow and evolve up through all levels of the Award. Click on the links within the three galleries below for some video highlights of these experiences.







Jamie loves photography and is quite keen to share this with students and colleagues. This is achieved in a variety of ways and means; not always through Extra Curricular or CAS activity opportunities. Very frequently he is asked to make photos of school events or to take official graduation photos (which are often used later for marketing material) and; as in the example of the 2012 exhibition:  "Gathering"  he likes to involve colleagues and friends in enjoying his love for taking photos (See below on this page for more on Jamie's photography). This slideshow is a summary of some highlights of photography projects which have involved  students and staff in the past few years.

Music and Drama departments are the main departments which Jamie collaborates with in his role as an Art teacher. In the previous schools he has tried to work with a diverse number of other subjects in either a cross curricular way through Art topics taught, or with specific mutual goals in mind. In the first case a topic such as: Tessellation might be taught to reinforce learning in Maths and in the latter a CAS activity might be used to create a series of Science tutorial videos- as both a resource for later learning as well as a venture into video editing. Frequently Jamie and his department are involved with tasks surrounding a school's Music and Drama  productions: stage design and set building, making props, accessories and costumes, graphic design work and of course photography and video. The gallery below shows some highlights of various school Drama productions from The British School of Guangzhou and The British International School, Vietnam where it has been Jamie's set design, props, graphics and photography are utilised.

Jamie's photography, graphic design and illustration work is often used by schools in a variety of their publications, such as their magazines, newsletters, graduation programmes, handbooks and yearbooks. The slideshow below is a summary of some examples:


Jamie has presented talks and demonstrations to audiences beyond school at venues such as: The Cultural Foundation, Abu Dhabi and The University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou.

Taking Your Photography to the Next Level 
An illustrated talk to The Photography Association, The University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou. December 2014.

Jamie loves Photography and has extended this pursuit from a combination of: traveling a lot, being curious about people and using the medium in support of and to supplement  his other means of expression, which are Ceramics and Painting. Often, when time and conditions allow for it, Jamie will be painting or making ceramics, in among the general workings of the Art department day. He hopes to have an exhibition of his recent painting in Guangzhou in early  2017.

Jamie established a website for his photography: Jamie Lowe Photography, which has the journal: 'The Ministry of Noodles' associated with it. Gradually, Jamie's photography has evolved toward: 'Travel', 'Street' and 'Documentary' style and much of his published work is in these areas, although he enjoys shooting people and has dabbled in Fashion photography. He has an 'all-rounder' attitude to photography jobs. Jamie sustains his enthusiasm for photography alongside full time work and in between photography projects, by engaging in self-imposed projects such as: 'The Guangzhounaut Dailies' where he disciplines himself to capture a moment from life in Guangzhou with his iPhone camera every day, then- edits and retouches it on the phone before posting it to a Tumblr site of the same title. Needless to say holiday periods provide great opportunities for Jamie to extend his travel photography.
(Current iPhone photography and Art works by Jamie can be seen posted on Instagram here
For more Art and Photgraphy by Jamie, follow the links below.


Click for slideshow

One Thing after Another is a short film made as part of a school assembly on the theme of "Consequences". Jamie's Mentor Group prepared this Rube Goldberg effect video over a number of weeks and shot it with an iPhone in and around AIC. Members of the group built the Rube Goldberg machine and later starred in the film.

The Inquirers (CSI Guangzhou) is a short murder mystery story made as part of a series of school assemblies about the IB Learner Profiles. (Jamie's group explore the idea of being "Inquirers" for their assembly). Jamie's Mentor Group produced this video over a number of weeks and shot it with an iPhone in and around AIC. All memebers of the group star in this fim - even though the killer's identity is not revealed!

Alone Together is a short film made as part of a school assembly on the theme of "Nomophobia" (Nomophobia is a  word for the condition describing the fear of  being without your mobile phone). Jamie's Mentor Group prepared this film and edited it using 'Camtasia' software to allow for interactive text message pop-ups. Everyone in the group stars.

Jamie is an experienced Form Tutor and Mentor Group Leader, with the ability to foster good rapport with students and their parents and to help them to feel established in a school with a sense of belonging, security and confidence. Assemblies usually involve facilitating for students to mix with their own year group and other younger or older year groups as well as interacting with adults in the school in order to produce an assembly item of interest to a wider community. Through being given responsibility and the need to liaise with others along with presenting material - students gain greater self esteem and confidence.


There are a few more examples of "PSHE-style" assemblies and  pastoral activities from the British school's he has worked for on Jamie's Youtube channel.


Click here for a British School of Guangzhou example



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